
Dr Annabelle Warren graduated medicine with first class honours from Monash University, and was awarded university prizes for academic excellence, research excellence, women’s health and geriatrics.

Dr Warren undertook internship and physician training at The Alfred Hospital, then specialist training in Endocrinology at The Alfred, Austin and Northern Hospitals. She received the Endocrine Society of Australia award for best clinical case presentation in 2020.

In addition to clinical work, Dr Warren is currently undertaking a PhD with the University of Melbourne and Austin Health supported by a postgraduate scholarship from the National Health and Medical Research Council. Dr Warren’s research publications are listed here.

Dr Warren is currently consulting from rooms at John Fawkner Hospital in Coburg (co-located with John Fawkner Cardiology) and via telehealth, as well as ongoing endocrine work at the Austin and Alfred hospitals.

Current locations

If you’re looking to book an appointment please book through one of my current locations directly.

John Fawkner Endocrinology
275 Moreland Rd, Coburg, 3058
Tel: 99154800 Fax: 99154833
email: reception@drannabellewarren.com

Professional affiliations